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Category: Travel and Places




a couple weeks ago i had the pleasure of driving 4 hours to maine to visit acadia national park. to be completely honest i wasn't even aware we had a national park in maine, but as soon as i stumbled across some pictures of it online i knew i had to go. we left super early, so i was only able to complete 3 hours out of the 4 hour drive, but it wasn't all that bad. when we got there, i immediately fell in love with it! i love beach forests, and this park was completely that. our first stop was the main beach (i forget the name now) and i swear it was so magical. it was a cloudy day and not too hot so we were able to walk around and admire the mountains and the surrounding forests. its hard to believe that we are able to access such beautiful places, i was very honored and grateful. 

as we started our walk on the ocean path, it started to POUR. we were sopping wet, but we didn't let it bring us down. we weren't able to complete the full ocean path like we wanted to, however we had to go back to change clothes (i brought extras just in case, thank god i did). we got to visit thunder hole which was awesome...got to hear a couple loud booms. at that point i realized that it would be an awful idea to do a mountain hike due to the slippery surfaces, so we opted for the big lake hike (that i also forget the name of). 

originally we intended to only do half, but as we carried on we decided to tackle the whole thing. it was tiring at times due to stepping around the huge puddles onto very slippery rocks, but it was very worth it. it rained at times but it was so foresty that we didn't really get wet at all. about halfway into our walk, the sun started to peak out through the clouds, it was so pretty! i was so happy to be on such a nice hike, which is something i rarely do, and to be with my friends and loved ones as well.

although i wish the weather were in our favor, i still had a lot of fun visiting bar harbor and acadia and i can't wait until i have the time to do it again!

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💤 ¡Azul! ★

💤 ¡Azul! ★ 's profile picture

From the way you describe it, it seems to be a very pleasant experience :D
It's a shame about the weather, but at least you had a good time

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it was! very beautiful spot so i tried not to let the weather get me down :)

by pooby; ; Report