AmeKo's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

Introducing Myself (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

Hello, my name is Ame and I am 20 years old.
I'm from Spain and I'm not binary, but you can use any pronoun!

I really like music, I play piano and guitar and I like to compose songs (even if they are not very good yet). I wish I could play in a band one day ^^

I listen to all kinds of music, I like both soft and loud music and I am a big fan of Korean music since 2017 ✧ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ

I draw a lot and I love animation and alternative fashion.

I also like culture and philosophy. Lately I like satanism (not satanic) and punk philosophy.

I look forward to having a lot of fun here and meeting cool people.


^.ᆽ.^= ∫

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kire!!'s profile picture

Hey! Espero que te sea agradable el sitio a pesar de ser un poquito lento en tema de interacciones y de cómo encontrar personas (sobretodo porque esta muy lleno de menores de edad) pero es un lugar tranquilo para estar. Espero que te guste y lo disfrutes.

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Muchas gracias!
Es algo que he notado, la gente por aqui son muy jovenes, pero me hace ilusión estar por aqui <3

by AmeKo; ; Report