Benny boy

The entire logic of the idea that if you kiss a man, it is gay, i disagree with. You see, i kiss plenty of men that doesn’t mean I’m gay. And if you’re going to sit here and argue with that, we might as well not even be talking because we’re on such different sides of the issue. It’s incredible. I mean when you look at critical race theory and what’s being taught in schools, it’s no wonder that this idea is being pushed by the radical left. I will not let joe Biden and the liberal agenda tell me that kissing boys is gay. I just won’t, because it’s simply not true. And when you look at the facts, there is an immense amount of research that completely contradicts what they are trying to push down our throats. It’s almost like tomorrow we’re going to wake up and next thing you know, Biden stops the importing of fidget spinners and we’re all left hopeless not knowing what to do with our fingers.

-Ben Shapiro

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It had to be said !

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