I like the idea of blogging about my life, old school blog style. I'm not particularly exciting though. I've been in kind of a rut with my side hustle job so I haven't gotten much done with that today. It is my little sister's birthday though so I've been spending time with her. We got Arby's for lunch cause its her favorite, we played her favorite board game, and we watched her choice of Tv show which was Jury Duty. It's really funny, I like it. I recommend for sure. I've been working on editing my newest TikTok which is in the series of videos where I construct a Kpop girl group based on their mbti. (Mine is ISTP by the way). I also have been trying to upload a video since yesterday on YouTube. I usually make content for TikTok and apparently my Youtube wasn't fully verified so I couldn't post a video as long as I tried to. I got it fixed though hopefully. It's a pretty simple video but I'd really love to make more complex videos too. Maybe something with Kpop mv theories. I've gotten pretty deep into the Loonaverse lol. You know I don't know if this is the best platform to treat as my blog but I've never been able to get into Tumblr really and I'm trying to shift away from my main social media which is twitter. I also don't know if I should put this as public or friends only. I think I'll go with public for now. I like the cozy vibe here and I hope it will help with making friends. Feel free to message me btw ^_^

My day 7-15-23
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thats really sweet that you did all your sisters favorit things for he birthday! my suggestion for staying off of twitter is to honestly delete it for a little while. if you cant stomach that, try doing other things you like instead of checking it! :b
Good advice for sure!
by Cyn; ; Report