If you're struggling, read this<3

Pep talk

Hai there :] I know you're struggling right now and that's okay. I myself am also struggling. Whether that be mental, physical, emotional, or whatever. It's okay to struggle. A big important part of life is the struggle. Struggling is the waypoint to success. Without struggling, even just a little bit, people wouldn't become so successful and happy.

Therapy is a big stepping stone to exiting that struggle point. "I can't afford therapy!", "My parents won't let me have therapy!", "My parents don't believe in therapy!" I understand all of these concerns. I was once in your shoes. However, it 100% gets better. I know that saying is practically overused but it is the truth. With effort, dedication, and hard work you can get out of that shell and become a better human being, you just have to try and I promise you it will get better, nothing happens out of nowhere without a little push and shove from you. 

Giving yourself time to relax can make you mentally and physically stronger; brushing your teeth, showering, cold showers, cold baths, taking a bath, going for a walk, brushing your hair, cooking yourself something, watching television, reading a book, exercising, etc... are all great examples of mentally growing. They all have incredible health benefits. The more these things become a habit, the better your life will be. 

Spreading love

You're loved and cherished by many; friends, family, animals, miscellaneous items, yourself, etc... you are worth it. You are beautiful. You are lovely. You are wonderful. You deserve to be here. Put yourself first before others. Take care of yourself. Take care of your family. Take care of your partner. Take care of your animals. Take care of your valuables. 

Love yourself and others who take care of you. Love your friends. Love your coworkers. Love your partner. Love your mom. Love your dad. Love your grandma. Love your grandpa. 

One day, all of these people are gonna be old and eventually pass away. Letting them know that you love them will show them that you care for them. 

A few days ago I realized how old my dad was getting. I texted him late at night and just wanted to let him know that I love him. He's done so much for me despite the trauma and hate I've received from him. I moved out of his house and I realized he doesn't hate me, he didn't mean all those mean things he said to me. My dad just didn't know how to raise me from age 20 to 39. From age 38 to 39 is when I moved out. That space between us made me realize he was just trying his best and didn't know what to do with me. I was an angsty stubborn teen with unrealistic life goals that didn't save any of my money and had to start learning how to drive at 19 because I didn't listen.

Tell a loved one you love them. They will appreciate it despite any and all tragedies in the past. Who knows, it may begin a new path in the relationship. You'll get there one day friend. Just push yourself.

4 Kudos


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