𓇗's profile picture

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Category: Automotive



You won’t ever see this.

How I adore you

You won’t ever see yourself.

How beautiful you are,

From the roots of each hair strand

To each dead cell you get rid off.

Every part of you, is utterly beautiful.

How your lips curve, how they rise when you smile

With how your eyes remind me of almonds,

Irises as deep as the sea and strong as a fisherman’s boat

How the shape of your nose has been drilled into my head,

As the prime example of beauty and perfection

Or how your cheeks are flushed pink,

Similar to the flowers they sell by church gates.

Your arms, soft and sensitive to touch,

How each scar they house represents a mountain range,

All with memories as they stand, eroding over time.

How those mountains are scattered all across your body,

Some are just volcanoes that have recently erupted,

Some have been extinct for a while, their heat long since extinguished.

Oh, how I want all of you to meet my lips.

It’s not just your lips, or your body.

All of your experiences, your laughs and tears, the ones in between.

All of it, I want to taste it like I was there.

I want all of it; all of you.

You are all I want.

PS: I suppose now you've seen this.Β 

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