Discourse, Anti's, Pros, Hypocrisy Internet Madness


Several things I have witnessed on Twitter over the past week that made me sick to my stomach that I feel like I should express here because it's really has eaten away at me. Number 1 the Harassments and Doxxing of a cancer survivor because he had the audacity to sexualize his disability. How dare someone with a disability cope in a way they deem fit. 

Ok so what really made me mad about this was the people who made up false shit about this artist. Calling them a Pedo, Accusing them of "Fetishizing amputees", Accusing them of being a zoophile and to have thousands of kids. FUCKING KIDS! Minors to go harass this grown adult. Where did we go wrong in society that literal kids put themselves in adult spaces possibly putting themselves in harms way, exposing themselves to content that aren't made for them. I wonder if there's some grooming going on that are brainwashing minors into acting like this towards adults. 

Back in my days (yes I know, OK BOOMER!) when I was 14,15,16,17 on the internet. The more unregulated and fun internet circa 2004-2011. I never had any thoughts in my head to invade adults spaces to "Expose" them. I never Had the thought to put myself in harms way all because I saw something I didn't like even though that space wasn't made for me to begin with. I never thought to seek out things I actively didn't like just to scream at the people who liked said thing. NEVER! Why now all of a sudden there's this huge influence of Teenagers who haven't even grown enough to know life out here attacking grown ass adults and demanding adults to bow to them and demand they stop liking their Adult things they like or consume in Adult spaces made for ADULTS!!!!

Who groomed these kids? because I feel like who ever is doing this albeit 1 person or multiple people must have more sinister plans and the only way they can carry them out is to get minors to attack adults online to distract everyone else from the real issues they are trying to commit.

Burned Furs and Hypocrites

The thing I wanna talk about which kind of ties into first topic is Burned Furs making their comeback but in a twisted way which I find disturbing that no one is talking about. Tying into the possibility that minors are being groomed by adults to invade adult spaces to Call-out, mock, harass and doxx innocent people. The worst part about this is I don't think a lot of these kids really know what they are doing or the impact their actions have. They are so stuck online and only use to seeing names on a screen or OCs as PFP on screen that they don't look at the people who are behind that screen as another human being, but more of less a character, a cartoon if you will and in their mind this "character" don't have real feelings or human emotions.

They don't think for themselves and unfortunately don't learn this concept until it's too late and they are on the receiving end of a targeted harassments campaign, or Doxxing or worst. It's almost like a cult. I've witness kids who are like no older than 15-17 years old on Twitter and other sites literally admit to their trusted friends that they are only doing these things because they are afraid that if they don't conform that they will face the wrath of their so called "friends" and they will be harassed and doxxed next. Those aren't friends, that's a cult. 

the crazier part is people who just blindly follow whatever new thing of the week to hate all because they are afraid if they disagree that they will be attacked next while in the background they actually completely disagree with the mob and just need to project their insecurities onto the new person to attack just not only hide what they really feel but to also get their "friends" and the cult mob off their trail in hopes that they never find out what they really like. Hypocrisy at it's finest but it gets so much worst.

Anti's and Pros

Many of you all may know but I am 100% against anti's. I am 100% Pro-Fiction, Keyword being "Fiction" today that word doesn't seem to ring a bell with the new generation of Furries and Otakus and Fandoms in general. They come in these fandoms and instead of conforming to embrace the weirdness of the fandom they join or even do the smart thing like Block, Blacklist and move on, they take it to extremes and demand that we change to cater to them and their fragile mentality. It's like a new worker coming into your job and demanding you and everyone else to work at her pace because she can't handle how the job that she willfully joined is. It just doesn't work that way

For the Anti side: The things I can't stand about these people is that they fight against their own interest. 95% of the time the things they want censored or blocked will hurt them in the long run, but many don't see that because tying back into part 1 and 2 of this blog, these people are brainwashed, Scared or Projecting. but that being said while I am 100% Pro I will say that some on the Pro side needs to cool it.

The Pro Side: I hate to admit this but there's a lot of bigotry on the pro side. A lot that I feel uncomfortable even bringing up. I have witnessed some truely unhinged individuals on the Pro side who are no better than Anti's. Transphobia, Homophobia the list goes on. But I will say that it is getting better as I find out there's a lot and I mean A LOT! of LGBTQ+ ppl in the Pro community who put the brakes on a lot of the ramped Homophobes and Transphobes. We have ousted many pedos (Actual pedos not people who like art) Not much can be said for Anti's who have actively given IRL Pedos a new way to hide by having everyone question if their call out is real or not because we've witnessed many times before Antis spending so much energy calling out people only to find out it's only for drawings not irl stuff.


This is just part 1 of the many things I've witnessed on twitter and other social media the past couple of days that really angered me for so many reason. Small example with Burned furs saying "FUCK YOUR FANTASIES" while calling people who enjoy "icky art they don't like" Zoophiles and Pedophiles with subtle Nazi dog whistle stuff and to have Antis celebrating it like it's a win. These same Antis who claim to be LGBTQ+, Who claim to be open minded and are on the more progressive side, sided with the subtle Nazi post all because they agree with the thing they are attacking. 

Then the response to it being somehow even worst with someone making a response art piece attacking the Burned Furs post. Thing is the picture wasn't the problem it's their response that was. The picture is question was pretty based, They said enjoy fiction and fantasies it's not harming anything be your self, but then someone asked them about a particular piece of fictional work and instantly the OP said NO! Immediately destroying their entire argument and post to begin with and in a way sided with the Burned Fur Nazi. Everyone's attacking each other, no one knows whos right or wrong. people are taking sides without context and anyone giving them any context or nuance is instantly attacked and is placed on their shit list and labeled the worst thing ever all because you tried to give context to a thing.

I hope this type of discourse goes away as these kids mature like I did when I was their age on the internet. I hope they aren't being groomed and I hope that they change for the better and realize that they will be much happier by letting everyone be.

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