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Melancholia for a time when I didnt exsist

The lot of you guys are around 18 like me right? I've been thinking for a while, particularly about late 90s early 2000s media. Azumanga actually makes me kind of, sad I guess? It feels like it reflects a simpler and less miserable time, and I feel some sort of wierd nostalgia for the early 2000s despite me not exsisting. I also wish it had more episodes because for a media glutton like me 26 episodes arent enough. Damn you animes that I love having between 12 and 26 episodes only! Why can't you be like western shows like prime or btas with 60! ARRRGG!!!!

To add on to this actually, for some reason a lot of the animes I've been watching recently remind me of wii sports resort, which reminds me of my younger years which might be the reason for this nostalgia. God I miss just playing wii sports and lego star wars and being hopeful and not horrifically depressed, and stuck in the past.

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