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Category: Life


I came back from school!~

Well...before I said that I was going to write in my notepad what was happening during the day and well...I couldn't lol, I couldn't pick up my cell phone in class, not because I can't, its because...I forgot ≡[。。]≡

Well now, today was...something exciting and boring, as the title of this says.

I had two exams... one was in chemistry and the other in English I think... well, the thing is that in chemistry I cheated xd, how am I going to know the name of ALL the elements in the periodic table???

The thing is that I did well in both exams, in chemistry it was because I cheated and the English one was because it was very easy, even though, do you remember that I had a lot of stress because today all the activities were presented? Guess what, THE TEACHER PASSED TO THE OTHER WEEK AAAHHGGGG! The only good thing about it is that I am free from chemistry activities for the rest of the weekend.

At recess I was really bored, then I had mathematics, although the subject was... easy? It's just like passing sentences to mathematical operations, nothing difficult.

What added some emotion was that in the tutorial class we were talking about a topic that I liked heheheh...

They didn't leave homework so I'm happy, even though I have to do the social activities I'm missing, one on citizenship and civic education, one on religion, two on art and finish a communication homework...it seems like a lot but the homework more fucking harder, it's going to be the one on citizen education, IT JUST- BRO-...we have to do about 15? summarized biographies BY HAND WITH DRAWINGS, I wouldn't have a problem if my handwriting wasn't so ugly, it hurts me to write in a "decent" way since my hand is not used to that, but anyway, I have to do it :P

Now I only have to do the tasks that I am going to do in Word... then I do the heavier work (Write)

Anyway, here is my report, have a good day, afternoon or night!

Bye bye!~

Sky Blue Bobblehead Bunny

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