emma x)'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

get to know me!!!

get to know me!!!

my name is emma!! im 18 and my birthday is october 23, 

making me a scorpio :D I just graduated high school in may and

I'm going to community college in august:) im going for an art degree

and my ultimate goal is to be a tattoo artist!! 

speaking of, I have 4 (professional) tattoos!!! my favorite is a 

scorpion on my left arm :)

I love art in all forms! ive been drawing since i can remember and as 

ive gotten older my range has grown:) I love to draw, paint, make kandi, 

crochet, and makeup!! im working on my sewing skills also and 

learning to play the bass!!! speaking of, my all time favorite video game

is guitar hero. right now I have a guitar for it and the game, but no 

adaptor for the controller :( once I get it tho.... you will never hear from me again.

I also love fashion!!! the way I dress varies daily but I love to wear skirts..

I own maybe 2 pairs of pants ;P recently I've been wearing lots of band shirts 

and tank tops, it is SO hot here recently. jewelry is one of my favorite

ways to add to an outfit :3 I wear the same necklaces and bracelets

every day, its very busy but that's how I like it >:)

okiiiii im sleepy and can't think of much else to type rn so that's

it ;P baiiiiiiiiiii thx 4 reading :)

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