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Category: Life


i'm bored and i just felt like doing this because i saw it on a manga i'll just talk about the day if u feel like it u can help with my grammar any help is slightly appreciated and if u want u can ask me about things regarding the blogs i don't mind even tho its doubtful someone would get interested in this at all


I feel slightly annoyed

My dumbass deleted the things I had wrote here so this will be the 2nd time doing this

I woke up normally

My godmother's mother and my grandma were talking about I don't know what I hadn't payed attention

I ate normal food

Since yesterday me and a few family members have been here at my godmother's house, a hailstorm happened and it messed up my house a little

It's ok here, I still prefer my home

My godmother's friend daughter is here aswell, for the same reason, she's a kid must be around 4-7, she likes me for some reason, kids tend to like me somenthing I have noticed

She's very innocent, normal for a kid I guess, that's somenthing I appreciate

Her parents don't seem to let her wander too much on the internet unsupervised, which is nice

I have recently started a routine together with my friend, I'm sore everywhere it's hard to sit and stand up, I have almost fell a few times while walking

I have recently had a certain thought everytime I see the night sky, about how that means the time is actually passing by making me older and closer to my death

I have just ate again, probably the last time today, maybe ever, it's not like I can be sure there'll be a tmrw

I'll sleep soon

I can't think of anything else, today wasn't interesting.

1 Kudos


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