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Category: SpaceHey

Age and Friendship

Weird psychological shenanigans: a "friend" on spacehey is literally just someone who can read your bulletins (right? Is there anything else to it?) but it feels super awkward to just straight up get like "This 14 year old wants to be friends with you" as a notif just because of the phrasing. Even if I don't plan on having any age-inappropriate content here it's a super weird vibe where if someone told me that a 14 year old read my website I'd probably just be "Oh cool, hope they found it interesting."

Also the kids really are out here just blasting that they're in middle school these days. Absolutely wild compared to the 2000s when your age was sacred information that only your closest friends would know. I appreciate it but damn.

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cloudskater's profile picture

I feel you. It's why my profile straight up shouts that I won't DM or friend minors on here

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Yeah, I'm feeling alright so far with "You can friend me and interact in public but I won't do DMs" so far and the stream of 12-14 year olds sending requests died down a lot after the first few days.

by Sparkz; ; Report

Yeah. Sadly, I got a friend request today from a person looking to RP with me. I asked what sort and they told me wholesome fluff stuff. Great, I'm all about that, and they seemed nice enough too. Then I asked them their age and it was 16. I felt like a jerk turning them away but like... no, I'm not doing that. And it says right on my profile not to friend me if you're a minor like wtf

by cloudskater; ; Report

I made my SpaceHey account because I used to use MySpace back in the early 2000s. The first thing I wrote on my account was "Please be over 18 before you add me as a friend" and "DNI if you're a minor". And yet, a minor tried adding me as a friend, and I had to instantly delete their friend request. It IS weird. It does give me a sense of relief though that there are those on here who ARE adults.

by Vibi Wuff; ; Report

Agreed. It always makes me feel weird when someone underage tries to friend me like bruh go away lol

by cloudskater; ; Report