13/07/2023 Awkward Workday

Hello! My first blog entry, wooo, simply because I have nothing else to do rn, and you'll see why soon T_T

It is currently 11am and I am roooootting at work. I work as a graphic designer/social media person/event manager for a small IT company that researches a lot of futuristic technologies on the side of studying art history at uni. I know absolutely NOOOTHING about IT or scientifc things, and my field of work here is very specific - they need something designed/posted/organized, they give me instructions, I create a concept and a product - that's it. I usually work as some kind of right hand to a female colleague of mine and it works pretty well.

HOWEVER, she is on vacation right now and I'm here all alone, and SOME OF THESE DUDES seem to think that they're somehow better than me bcs they're IT guys? And expect me to know how eeeverything works just by default and act super annoyed and surprised when i don't know exactly how they want something done or how long a scientific paper usually is, or how it's supposed to be formated, for example. Like??

Today, they're having something they call a "hackathon", where they just find a big idea and then just code together the entire day. I didn't know this was happening today and I know absolutely nothing about coding or the topic they're working on, and it just feels super awkward to be here. They're all so invested and all I can really do is sit somewhere off to the side, which isn't a nice feeling tbh?? I could've just stayed home and worked from there, I suffered through waking up on 2 hours of sleep to go here :// I withdrew myself a little because I obviously have very little to actually add to what they're doing so I thought that it was the most logical thing to do, so I can do my silly little tasks on the side without distracting them or them distracting me. But it just feels so DUUUUMBBB I hate it. They're also obviously judging me for no reason. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

So now I'm just sitting in a corner writing this, praying that my usual colleague will return from vacation soon :[

Anyway, maybe I'll upd8 this from time 2 time!! idk yet

Hope ur having a better day than me and ily all <33


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