My biggest heartbreak ever!

     Since this amazing website is fairly new, I want you all to get to know me as this site grows. I intend to blog on the regular, especially since my job allows me to bring my laptop to work! I have a pretty cush job, not gonna lie. I am an armed guard! Before I was moved to the current post I am at, my job was anything but cush or easy! I worked at hospitals (which I enjoyed but it was in a rough neighborhood and I worked 3rd shift at this post, so a lot went down, a lot of people trying to fight me and my coworkers), I worked courts (super fun but also very demanding on the feet and back, not allowed to sit down at all unless on break and even then, couldn't sit in the public's view), and now I work a library that is closed to the public. All I do is sit in the break room that has a window the leads out to the parking lot that is being used for their curbside services. So, it is my job to make sure no one comes into the library, assist the library staff in anything that will make their lives easier, and answer any questions that people may have about curbside services. So, I get paid to sit on my laptop and play!

     Everyone has had their heart broken by someone! Everyone! If you haven't yet, it is inevitable! I have had my heart broken a few times. But the last heart break I endured will never be surpassed in severity. You see, my hubby and I got pregnant in Fall of 2016. I gave birth to a wonderful, beautiful baby girl named Kyra Jade! She was perfect on the outside. But her birth wasn't a normal one! In another blog, I will share that story, but in this blog... I will give you the short version. She suffured a traumatic brain injury at birth and doctors refused to give up on her. It took them 26 minutes to get her heart beating again. 26 minutes with oxygen! She developed seizures that no medication would help. 
     We knew she was going to pass away, we just didn't know when. All we could do was love on her and give her the best life we could until she grew in her angel wings. She lived to be 18 days old, and passed on the day before Father's Day, 3 days before my birthday! That is a heartbreak that your heart will never heal from! It is the worst heartbreak to endure and I would never wish it on my worst enemy! Through this though, I created my own website that shares my story of how I am able to live every day and still see the world as beautiful while battling manic depression. Momma Phoenix Rising I haven't written in it for a long time! Mostly because my depression seems to be at bay. Or I have conquered depression. I don't know, but I haven't been in a depressed mood since May of 2020. 
     I just wanted to open up about this so that you, my readers, understand that I truly am an open book! You can ask me anything! And I can give some good advice or be there for those suffering with depression. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog! I hope your weekend is full of excitement and fun, your type of fun!

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Nomad's profile picture

You did the best that anyone could have done, and better than most. I'm glad to read that you got through this 💪

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Thanks so much!

by ⸸Ꭰҽąէհჯ_ჯᎠɾҽąʍҽɾ⸸; ; Report