So the story started when i was 11yrs old 

I was invited to a party i , i dont know what the party are for but i still have a fade that its abt a marriage and after wedding for my cousin XD , anyways for some reasons the party is in a far place that letterly there is no internet conection or smthg similar idk ( i have just asked my mom abt tge location and she said in a local forest exacttly ur grandparents farm lol ) . I welcomed to the house and meet my cousin and i told him : Congrats ! ( im not sociable so yea i didnt talk to much ) after that i went outside the house because there is alot of noises and music and also alot of ppl that i dont wanna talk to :/ , i sat exactlly under a tree to to play Pokemon on my DS and find some relax , later after some minutes i started hear a noises , like the sound of the fan when its in tge max mod ( i wish u get whaa i mean :3 ) , i discard it and i say that its just a constructions or building noises the weirder is this noises started to be more hearable , i started turn around and look up and i saw a weird egg grey shape that looks like a football size and it wasnt far letterly if im a lil bit tall i will be able to touch it , that shape freezed in a 2 to 3 minutes and mellted in the sky , faded away , i ran ro the house to told my mother and she said its only ur imagination . Back to yesterday , me and my fam visited the same place , we sat outside in a carpet at night ( In the Arabic culture when its normal to sat and drink coffe outside or even sleep outside it doesnt even matter ) anyways one of my cousins started to tell us some jokes , storytime for the childhood and he says : One day when i was a child i went outside to search somthing that i forgot to bring it woth me outside ..... when i find it i weirdly see between the trees a giant flying egg i was to scared and ran to the house * the familly started laughing * . I was suprised that m not the only who see this UFO and i keept silent to avoid the bullying from my fam TwT. 

Tell me in the comments if u see somthing similar to mine . ( srry for my bad english i try my most TwT )

2 Kudos


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