The cube (and it's horrible sequel.)


The movie.

Vincenzo Natali is the director of the psychological thriller/science fiction film "Cube," which is also referred to as "Il cubo" in some locations. It was released in 1997. The movie's plot centers on a group of strangers who get stuck inside a huge, high-tech cube-like structure.

The cube itself.

The Cube is an intricate maze made up of numerous interconnected rooms, many of which contains lethal traps. There is no obvious exit from the rooms, which all have the same appearance. The protagonists immediately come to the realization that they must cooperate in order to maneuver the Cube and discover a way out while avoiding the potentially fatal traps.

The group.

A police officer, a mathematician, a doctor, an escape artist, and other people make up the the group. They come from various backgrounds and have a variety of skills. Tensions increase, trust is put to the test, and disputes erupt within the group as they move through the Cube. Each chamber they explore offers fresh difficulties, requiring them to  avoid traps and face their own flaws and fears.

the names of the characters are symbolic and represent real-life prisons. Each character's name corresponds to a specific prison, adding another layer of meaning to the film. Here are the characters and the prisons they represent:

  1. Quentin - Represents San Quentin State Prison located in California, USA.
  2. Rennes - Represents Rennes Prison located in France.
  3. Holloway - Represents Holloway Prison, a former women's prison in London, England.
  4. Worth - Represents HMP Wandsworth, a prison in London, England.
  5. Leaven - Represents Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary located in Kansas, USA.
  6. Kazan - Represents Kazan Prison, a high-security prison in Russia.

The deeper meaning.

"Il cubo" explores themes of identity, trust, human nature, and the consequences of our actions. It raises questions about the nature of the Cube itself and the purpose behind its existence. The movie builds tension and suspense as the characters face increasingly dangerous situations and confront their own inner demons.

The sequel

Critics & viewers.

The 2002 release of "Cube 2: Hypercube" is the sequel to the film "Cube." Despite the fact that everyone's preferences in movies can be different, some critics and spectators have criticized "Cube 2: Hypercube" for being a lackluster follow-up to the first film.


One of the common criticisms directed at "Cube 2: Hypercube" is that it felt like a cash grab rather than a genuine continuation of the story. The original "Cube" was a distinct and engaging premise that focused on human dynamics and psychological suspense in a small setting. The sequel, however, broke from this pattern and made an effort to build on the popularity of the original movie without adding any depth or novelty.

The problem with the premise itself.

A new cube-shaped structure is used for the story in "Cube 2: Hypercube," and a new cast of characters encounters a setting that resembles a maze. However, compared to the original, the sequel lacks the same amount of development in characters, intensity, and psychological complexity. Many spectators believed that the sequel sacrificed the memorable themes and suspense of the original movie in favor of visual effects and action scenes.

Furthermore, the sequel introduced some convoluted concepts related to time, alternate dimensions, and mathematical theories, which some viewers found confusing and poorly executed. A decreased sense of interest and satisfaction resulted from the plot's appearance of disarray and its inability to sustain a coherent narrative.

The brighter side.

Even though "Cube 2: Hypercube" received poor feedback, it's important to note that the sequel did present several intriguing ideas that some viewers found appealing.

The change in the cube's shape and the addition of various spatial and temporal components was one element that some spectators found appealing. The Hypercube offered a distinctive and eye-catching atmosphere with its multidimensional and constantly moving spaces. This change from the initial cube shape gave the franchise a new viewpoint and offered a depth of interest for those drawn to intricate geometric ideas.

Some viewers praised the efforts made to deepen the cube's mythology and examine the main story from fresh perspectives. These aspects gave a variation from the structure of the original movie and a distinct perspective on the topic, even though some may have found the execution to be lacking.

The conclusion?

In the end, even though "Cube 2: Hypercube" may not have pleased all fans of the original film, it did introduce novel ideas and inventive visuals that appealed to some viewers, demonstrating that even in a sequel thought of as a money grab, there can be elements that appeal to different tastes and interests.

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