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i'm feeling a lot better than i did the other day :) besides the fact that there's a swollen part of my gums above one of my wisdom teeth, i'm doing much better at least in terms of my allergies. i'm off work today and got lunch w my husband and now i'm sitting here about to play cruelty squad for a bit.

my birthday is on the 19th and i'm considering getting snake bites as a little gift to myself. a local piercer who comes to my work sometimes said she'd give me a discount if i hit her up, and i really just might. i hate the way lip piercings feel but i feel like it'd be worth it not only because of the way it looks (and would look since i already have the labret) but also because since they aren't in the center like it doesn't seem like i'd mess with them as often as i did my labret. i'm not sure yet but i'm REALLY thinking about it. i considered my tongue too but i don't want to deal with that healing process or the chance of accidentally biting down on it.

my husband is supposed to be getting a tattoo done sometime soon and we'd been talking about wanting something matching but we don't know what yet. a while back we talked about things like the aphex twin logo or our favorite medieval torture devices (his is the iron bull, mine is the breaking wheel), but it'd be nice to get something personal to us as a couple. not our names though, that's how you immediately doom a relationship.

2 Kudos


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wound's profile picture

the way i was trying to come up with ideas for matching tattoo stuff today i think the medieval torture device idea is really good. maybe we could also do like something based off of our fav skuppy albums orrrr or idk animals that are us

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