KOTA :}'s profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

DNI / BYF !! <3


~ racists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, etc. (i know how emo communities can be, if u think im a poser for being a decent person then dni with my page.)

~ pro ana, sh, etc. please dont bring that into my dms. if you are in recovery from either, i wish you the best!

~ strictly nsfw/gore accs, jesus christ get a life

~ people under 13 or over 19, pls dni, genuinely makes me uncomfortable. (current friends / current good acquaintances are ok!)

~ in the scene, i know theres tons of musical artists who suck as people. (ex: dahvie vanity, ronnie radke, jimmy urine) as long as you dont support these people specifically idrc. 

NOTE: if ur a botdf fan specifically, expect me 2 be wary (in regards 2 last bullet point).

its a short list, but i hope u take it into account. anyone who doesnt apply to this can feel free to friend me !! <3 ^o^

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