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Category: Books and Stories

The Grimace Shake incident (Creppypasta or something)

Apollo Class

Last week after going to downtown for father's day with my family we went to my auntie's house and my cousins wanted to get McDonald's. Idk why, they just like it a lot, and they wanted to try that new Grimace Shake something idk. I don't like blueberries so I just said I wanted a chocolate Sundae and some nuggets. And there they went to the nearest McDonald's around the neighborhood in my uncle's car.

Time passed and passed. My family is latina, specifically Venezuelan, so they were still having a good time. Drinking, laughing, dancing and singing. My dad was grilling meat outside while he talked with my uncles and drank beer while my mom and aunts made arepas in the kitchen to accompany the meat. The rest of my cousins and my parent's friends were dancing or chatting while waiting for the food. There was no trace of my cousins. They haven't even call yet.

My little cousin, who was waiting for a Happy Meal as I was waiting for my Sundae and chicken nuggets, went to my auntie and complained.

After that my aunt asked me to go look for them. She looked really worried. So I took my little cousin, after he begged me to, and went in my car.

Should I put a trigger warning for the next thing that's going to happen? Uh, you're already warned.

So, the next thing that happens is that their location led us to some kind of pond in the middle of the forest. There were no lights, there were no people. The only thing we heard was heavy breathing and like someone was eating something. You know that disgusting noise people make when they're eating wings like they haven't eaten anything in the past two weeks? Yeah, that one sound. That's all we could hear at the moment.

The sound was closer and closer and I parked the car before it got even more close to whatever that was. I asked—no, begged my little cousin not to go out for anything in the world. I took my phone with me and turned on the flashlight and... God, the next thing that I saw was...

my younger cousin was laying on the ground, lifeless, with his stomach open and my older cousin was eating his insides out. There was a disgusting hodgepodge of blood and what I assumed was that Grimace Shake bullshit. A lot of it. Purple and red mixed together covering my younger cousin's body and my older cousin's face while she was chewing out his guts.

She looked at me with a piece of his kidney hanging on her mouth and smiled without saying anything. Her eyes then turned all white and she was lifted up like a puppet, joining the body of an even greater thing. The body of my younger cousin joined the confusing mass. My phone's light pointed at the thing, purple and grotesque, made up of the bodies of a bunch of people. And he seemed to want to get bigger with me.

But the thing didn't move. He remained inert, looking at me—or so I felt—with hundreds of eyes from lost people around the city.

I couldn't move either. I was to scared to do so. I wanted to run to my car, but my legs wouldn't let me.

Then, the thing spoke with the voices of a all the people it was made of. Like sorrowful chaints of troubled souls.

"ecce ego inducam super eos mala de quibus exire non poterunt et clamabunt ad me et non exaudiam eos"

Then I started to run and the thing was screaming. While it followed me. Painful screams of hundreds of voices. But I didn't stop. Although the screaming was getting louder and louder and I felt like I wanted to die with the headache I was having.

I ran and ran even when my legs got tired and my breath ran out. I yelled at my little cousin to open the car door for me and jumped in as fast as I could. Then I closed the door and and I started the car.

As I caught my breath, I saw a grotesque sight on the windshield. That thing was breaking apart, falling into the lake. The thing is, they weren't the complete bodies of people, but broken parts fused together with the limbs of other bodies. A horrifying mix of limbs but not blood; only that perfect purple.

My little cousin and I got back home and I told the story to my family, who immediately grieve my cousins' death. The party ended soon and all we could do was cry. Specially my aunt, who was devastated.

The next morning they all appeared on the news. The Grimace incident of Nashville, Tennessee. There was no explanation at all for all the stuff that happened but the state banned all grimace shakes and the families of the victims demanded justice.

I was still curious for that quote I heard from that thing. I asked more people in online forums if they saw the same thing and if it said the same thing too. And somebody could translate to me from Latin to Spanish.

It was Jeremiah 11:11, and it says:

"I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cr

y out to me, I will not listen to them."

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