Cheesy noodles recipe for 1 person

(Note: english is not my first language, so there might be some errors, and as a french, i just realized crême fraiche is not something americans casually have lying around so i tried to adapt it. If you do have crême fraiche, please use two tablespoon of it instead of milk/heavy cream)



-noodles/ramen (whatever you call it)

-Seasoning pack that came with the noodles

-heavy cream/milk

-Any type of cheese


1. in a pot boil the noodles then in a pan spread the oil/butter

2. In the pan, pour half a cup of milk/heavy cream

3. Wait 2 minutes while ocasionnaly stiring the milk then put any cheese you like

If you're using kraft singles or smth similar put 2 or 3 slices

I recommend using a mix of cheese, personally i used cheese for burger and emmental shredded cheese, but using mozarella and emmental (maybe with a bit of cheddar) would be better

4. After the cheese is well mixed put the seasoning packets in the cheese sauce (you can also put sirancha sauce, ciboulette, green onion or whatever you usually put in ramen)

5. Mix the noodles with the sauce, and there you have it!

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adverbs's profile picture

merci, j'vais cuire ça rendu au collège

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