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Category: Life

☼things to do when board❢☼


✭ So basically the reason why I'm writing this right now is because it's summer time and I've realized that we can find ourselves being really burned out and to tired to do anything. Even though we really want to occupy ourselves with something. So, I took it upon myself to come up with things for us to do while we're burnt out, you're welcome. 


Edit your Spacehey account!

If you're interested in code and love to customize things to your VERY specific liking, then I would suggest either trying other peoples layouts or better understanding the code used to make the profiles and try customizing your profile yourself!


Make a Tumblr!

This is a very good suggestion for those of you who enjoy decorating and personalizing things to their liking. When I made a profile, I'm not going to lie I was very confused. I've realized it's much easier to navigate on PC. Once I got the hang of it I enjoyed creating a blog and personalizing my page. If you would like to see my Tumblr I'll link it.

➩My Tumblr


Re-vamp some old profiles!

Have you ever spent a super long time on a profile and just couldn't get it to look right? Like something was missing you just couldn't tell what it was. Well, I would suggest scrolling on Pinterest for a little bit and get a little inspired then go back to your profiles and try again! You'll most def get the result you have been looking for. 


Re-do your Spotify!

We can lose track of our playlists that we've made and forget about old playlists that have some really good songs that you miss on them. Which is why I recommend sorting, deleting and redecorating your Spotify. While you do this you can private and unprivate certain playlists that you may have not recognized were public before. Make your playlists the same theme as the music. 


Customize your entire internet experience!

Learn and experiment with different sites and the endless customization possibilities. Make it so that every time you visit the internet you have a safe space no matter where you go. Your eyes will be constantly satisfied and then your over all experience will be 100x more relaxing. 


✭ That's pretty much it! the reason for why I wrote this is because these were the ideas that popped into my head that really helped me. It made me feel like a y2k teenager and I enjoyed every second of it. Lmk if you need me to change anything or if you want me to make more blogs. If so, then please share with me what you would like them to be about. Anyways, I hope everyone stays safe and thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. 

2 Kudos


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