weird dream I had

 I always have the craziest dreams 

It started off at my house, it was dark and there was plenty of people over who were all around my age. They all had fire crackers and were in a field. Eventually these two boys started trying to throw the firecrackers at me. These boys were strangers to me. I hid the box of firecrackers and ran away from them but all of a sudden its like the setting I had in my dream just changed.

 I was in a school, it was a little dark and felt creepy. I had no idea where everyone was and I had lost my boyfriend. The only people that remained were the two boys after me but slowly the "pack" gained more people. Not only was there more people but they had firecrackers and a small gun. Long story short the whole dream was about me getting hunted down and trying to escape.

Before I woke up I remember escaping and getting to a gas station nearby for safety. This isn't the first dream I've had with the theme of a group trying to hunt me down with the intentions to kill me. This is just the first dream where I've made it out alive

I don't know what it means to have dreams of others coming after you but its always been an occurring theme. I don't know if anyone else has experienced a type of dream like this but it was totally weird. I know reading it sounds silly and I don't consider it a nightmare but still just is weird

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Sometimes I have dreams where i try to run away from something and then hide

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