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Category: Games

2023 Yugioh NAWCQ

Even tho i could not go to the WCQ this year, mainly bc it was my mom's birthday weekend but also i didnt go to any events and didnt earn an invite anyways (not to mention the drama with certain pro players in the community), i still had a good weekend following the event from home.

The 2 asshole pros i know (a certain 5 time YCS Champ and his coked out best friend, who himself has 8 wins and 44 or so tops spanning the past 10+ years and essentially wrote the "Yugioh Bible" for deck theory) ended up not winning their way to worlds. Mr 5 timer got a Decklist Error for the Points Playoff bracket (A bracket of the best and most consistently topping players who earned points from the past season, which was expanded to include 2019-22 seasons bc of Covid) and either dropped out or got DQ'd, depending who u ask. So then his buddy, the Author, took his place and lost out too. They then played the main event, bc 5 Timer was able to edit his list and remove the one card that was disputed, but bc of the handicap, he went X-2-1 and then bubbled after round 11. Then The Author made Top Cut, yet still lost out in Top 32. It serves them both right for the shit they did and how they treated me and others. I guess Karma is a bitch, no Worlds for u! XD

Then my best friend, Paulie, ended up securing his spot at Worlds by making the finals of the playoff. Idk if they played it out or what, they didnt need to but i am beyond proud of him. And then we had the main event to watch. We then had a guy, Nathaniel Christmas, playing HERO and i gotta say just bc HERO is rogueish in representation does not mean it cant compete, and the dude had fun playing this game that he enjoys and i want that kinda energy myself. Top 4 went on to Worlds, and the Top 4 feature was the winner of it all, Jeremy Mitchell, playing my friend Enzo. Sadly Enzo got screwed over with bricking Game 2 and Jeremy blew him out with Eradicator Epidemic Virus (which needs to get banned before we get Transaction Rollback in the TCG). Jeremy then used it again against Lars in the finals to win it all. Guy deserves the W but i do gotta say Eradicator is a BROKEN card, even if its my fave art.

Overall takeaways:
1) Karma is a bitch and a friend
2) My friends are good at this game
3) Its all about the fun we have with this game

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