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Category: Life

#1 - My $30 Paycheck

I've recently started working at my first job and it's alright, nothing crazy, but I almost started crying twice so I'm glad I only work 2 days this week lol. It was only when I had a morning shift because the 12pm lunch rush is actually crazy. In the morning shift, it's only older workers like in their 20's and 30's...I'm 17. I can't bond with them because I can't help but feel awkward around them, but when I'm put in the afternoon I feel way better because I go to school with these people. At least everyone is nice and patient with me being new. My first day was the day before pay day so that is why I have $30 for a week which is soooo cool ahahhhahhhaha *_*

But $30 is $ what am I gonna buy? :3 I've been thinking of buying some cute wire earbuds I saw on Ebay a few weeks ago and a cheap mp3 player...What do you think?? I love the idea of an mp3 player even though my phone is one but that's sooo boringg. Plus I don't even use my phone that much, I used to though. I deleted Instagram recently which was the only reason I was even on my phone. I needed to disconnect badly because the people on there were driving me crazy and I'm NOT going to let a screen make me feel bad about myself wtf. I mainly use my computer to watch Modern Family and my iPad to play Hayday lolll. 

It's funny how I'm not that connected to new technology and want to pursue a degree in improving new technology 0_o. My phone barely even works, it's an iPhone 7 and my computer is so old, the glue that holds the screen together is no longer functioning...BUT I hate Macbooks >:( why would they take away the USB port :| So I can buy a separate one and spend MORE money?? I hate how things are becoming more "simple" and "minimalistic" it's just not my thing. I like having a boombox radio, tons of books, and notebooks to write little notes. I know I can do it all from my phone but that's SOOOO BORING. Something about writing my feelings in a notebook with Hello Kitty stickers and a pink glitter gel pen is so much more appealing than the notes app!!

I'm just talking to talk and I feel like a slug from the lack of vegetables in my system and overload of chips and cheese. I might play some games with my friend later...if I don't fall asleep again. A few days ago I ordered some Pokémon cards and will defff show the cool ones I got!! I need to get a binder...I need to see my dad too, he doesn't talk to me at all anymore and it makes me more upset than usual. Since this is my last year in this town, I'm probably not going to see my dad AT ALL anymore. He barely even comes to see me with a 5 minute drive, will he come see me when I'm 5 states away? "The phone goes both ways" Oh shut upppp maybe if you replied to my messages lol. Oh well he'll regret it when it's too late and I'll be doing great things by myself :3. I'll be back with another life update, rant thing or whatever this was...


Song of The Day: Make Me Like You - Gwen Stefani

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