Today in history/ and present... is my boyfriend's of the time birthday! I am surprised I didn't write about that!
Apr. 27th, 2002 12:36 pm The Big Day!! :)
Ok, Today I'm performing on stage 4 different times. It's gonna be great.....I can't wait! I have a solo dance too. Well today I woke up at 10:30 (thats early for me) and ate 4 pieces of french toast (my favorite breakfast food) and grape juice (my fav. also). Then I took a shower all nice and hott. then I got ready for today. What I'm wearing for my dance is black jazz pants, and a WILD tie-die shirt (long sleeved). My hair is freaky. It's in pig tails with bright green ribbons in them. I have my bangs (that are really long) hanging on the sides of my face and a bun in the back. The bun is rapped around a thin bunch of hair so it hangs in the middle of the bun. And on my bangs, pig tails, and bun the very tips (about 2 inches) are curled. It looks sooo pretty, wild, freaky, what-ever. Hey what do you know my hair describes me. lol. I was suppose to get my hair died redish purple today but my cousin went in the hospital....long story. She was suppose to do it for me. Well hopefully I'll get it done next week end. I hope while i'm there that I can spend some time with D.H. Actually I will I'll make myself. Well until after the performance or i get into more trouble, lataz hataz.
Current Mood: excited
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