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Category: Life

new license, new car, new space to hide your friends

I turned 16 last month and got my learners license shortly after. Since i got my learners my parents decided that it would be beneficial to buy me a car through dad's company so i had something to pratice in since neith3r of their cars were very suitable. So after looking for a while we found the perfect car in the form of a 2013 mini cooper paceman in bright red, it was on the slightly cheaper side as well which as awesome! I decided to name it cherry bomb after the song, I wasn't originally going to name it but my mother insisted. when the other came over to check it out i showed them the boot and Faye was like "I bet I could fit in there" so she climb in and turns out they could fit quite well in there lol. here's an image of that.

Faye in the boot of my car

and this is a random photo of the type of car i got :D

2013 mini cooper pacemen

- Cj <3

0 Kudos


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