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Gorillaz phase 7 is ass (Rant)

so yknow how when the band started Jamie and Damon made it to basically make fun of sell outs and bands who have no passion behind them? Well look at it now, im not saying Gorillaz has no passion behind it but HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW PHASE??????? first of all this phase was short and the lores confusing, like we got no lore except two music vids that didnt really give us much, like wowwww murdoc ran from his bandmates and now everybody but him is in prision, crazzzzyyyy but the lore isnt the main factor on why i hate phase 7, the real reason i hate it is because they basically turned into a sell out, like have you seen their shit ass tiktoks?! its just the members of the band reacting to tiktoks and the worst part of it is that they DONT EVEN ADD ANYTHINGGGG like if your gonna react to someones tiktok make it interesting instead of you making the same faces at EVERY DAMN VIDEO!!!!!! and ik this is just my opinion on the album but it SUCKED ASS, i only liked new gold and captian chicken and the only reason i like captian chicken sm is cuz dels in it and it reminds me of old gorillaz. 

 Also i wanna mention how irrelevant Russle is now because in phase 1 he had del and his own gimmick with his white eyes but in then in the end of phase 1 dels gone and in phase 3 2D now has white eyes like dawg... let Russ have his own things, honesty i hope 2D gets hit in his stupid blue hair and pronouns looking head so his eyes fill with blood again. i hope in Gorillaz new album they get over this rough patch and put more care into the lore aspect/content. i love gorillaz to death and i hate to see them start to sell out/have their content feel more week, i get they need to adapt with the times and ik they cant have their stuff be the same as it was in 2001 but the current stuff they have feels like it lost that spark.

8 Kudos


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Bahrlee's profile picture

I definitely feel this, I felt like in phase 6 w Song Machine we were getting somewhere, right? felt like "old" gorillaz again. But then... idk. Phase 7 was a step back. I like the cult angle they were going at, but I felt like they got a little too unserious with it, and it missed a level of sincerity that the older phases had. Like imagine if the cult premise was done in phases 1-2! I don't even hate "new" gorillaz but it's not hard to admit it's not what it once was. And also I miss 2Ds black eyes, and Russel and Noodle actually being more important characters.

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SERIOUSLY DUDE, like "new" gorillaz isnt all bad, but its missing alot of things that gave it the soul, not even phases 4-6, those were honestly decently solid phases, BUT 777777!!!!!!!, they seriously missed so much potential, i feel like if they played the cult thing better id honestly like the phase way more, even with the music (in my opinion) being kind of underwhelming id be okay with it being under the gorillaz name, but honestly i wanna forget this phase happened, they gave little to no care to the characters and it sucks, even with humans im okay with the phase because the characters had SOMEEE consideration put into them, but with phase 7 im just seriously disappointed.

by RealLife_Zombie; ; Report


C0NC10US_K3TTLE's profile picture

REAL. I don’t get the new lore at all. And the tik toks are atrocious.. I miss the 2D animation too, I dont rly like the 3D models. They don’t feel as stylised or expressive as the 2D animation :((

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ONGGGGG, i hope next album they clutch up bcuz im lowkey obsessed with them and if i keep getting fed this modern shit by them ill actually go insane

by RealLife_Zombie; ; Report

REAL- I hope they don’t return to 3d ever again too :,D (or at least return to 3d in a tasteful way..)

by C0NC10US_K3TTLE; ; Report