Hello, internet rando here to tell you that while I was on your profile I noticed your custom cursor isn't implemented properly. It's actual position is significantly higher than the custom graphic representing it, making it very hard to click links, which isn't help by the fact the whole page is moving up and down.
Normally this would've been an IM but those are restricted and I didn't want to bet on sending an invite just to point that out.
hi!! i realized the problem but i'm not sure how to fix it!! i thought it was annoying but i'm not sure how to go about fixing it :'D i was thinkin of just stoppin the page from moving up 'n down but it's been a long long while since i've done cool html things.
Well, the easiest way to fix it would be to remove the custom cursor alltogether since it's the one causeing issues by being improperly centered. It's entirely likely that using another one would work perfectly fine too, but doing anything is up to you I just wanted to point that out to make sure you're aware.
ohhh i see >:O!!!! thank you! i was afraid of messing with it in case i ruin everything in the process... i accidentally got rid of the girl on the side and idk how to bring her back pfft. thanks tho!! i'll go and do that then :D
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Alveus Nosville
Hello, internet rando here to tell you that while I was on your profile I noticed your custom cursor isn't implemented properly. It's actual position is significantly higher than the custom graphic representing it, making it very hard to click links, which isn't help by the fact the whole page is moving up and down.
Normally this would've been an IM but those are restricted and I didn't want to bet on sending an invite just to point that out.
hi!! i realized the problem but i'm not sure how to fix it!! i thought it was annoying but i'm not sure how to go about fixing it :'D i was thinkin of just stoppin the page from moving up 'n down but it's been a long long while since i've done cool html things.
by blightedknight; ; Report
Well, the easiest way to fix it would be to remove the custom cursor alltogether since it's the one causeing issues by being improperly centered. It's entirely likely that using another one would work perfectly fine too, but doing anything is up to you I just wanted to point that out to make sure you're aware.
by Alveus Nosville; ; Report
ohhh i see >:O!!!! thank you! i was afraid of messing with it in case i ruin everything in the process... i accidentally got rid of the girl on the side and idk how to bring her back pfft. thanks tho!! i'll go and do that then :D
by blightedknight; ; Report
2nd one looks fantastic! Like something you'd see in a game!
omg thank you so much!!!!! T0T
by blightedknight; ; Report