zara's profile picture

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Category: Life

hello hello

i haven't made a blog post in like... forever lmao. i never got it right as a kid, and i dunno what possesed me to write this right now but... here we are.

so. i tried to make my profile pretty but i got tired of fiddling with the html code so it just stays as it is for now. i have a bizarrely long books section but that's just the truth. i read a lot and i have since i was a kid! nothing to be done about that. 

i should have been studying for my exam on monday (aka tomorrow since it's three am) but yknow... life happens. your parents drag you to the library to give back the book you've owed for months and they let you keep it for even longer. you visit the auntie you haven't seen in a few months and go home with a bunch of plants. you procrastinate the shit out of the rest of your say and end up writing a blog entry at 3am. as you do.

my parents won't be home tomorrow so i'll probably try to force myself to study then. seriously, i have so much content to get through... good thing is that i won't have the exam until 5pm on monday so i have some time still, but i'm still going to have to cram the shit out of the 6 PPTs i have to study lol. damn the prof for not actually teaching anything in class!

so yeah uh. i hope i can actually talk to people here and i won't end up yelling at the void as i've always done lol. i'm going to sleep now so byeeee.

(deviantart used to have this section on their journals before the eclipse nation attacked so i'm just gonna include this here)

mood: sleepy (-ω-) zzZ
listening to: nothing rn
reading: scharamouche by rafael sabatini
watching: -
playing: persona 3 fes
eating: -
drinking: i'm going to drink water rn
timestamp: 3:11 am

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