Gone Thriftin': Goblincore in July

Content warnings: mention of human mortality, mention of religious content (but it's funny)

Today, I went to a Goodwill that I'd never been to.

This Goodwill was in [undisclosed semi-rural area], a welcome change from the small city Goodwill that I usually end up at. I had a theory, which this location seemed to confirm: big goodwill have good home goods, small goodwill have good clothes.

Small towns are full of old people who die and get their clothes donated, and because I like dressing like a scarecrow this is good for me. I only rarely find interesting clothes in the city, I assume because the Depop girlies have already got to them.

...Do people even use Depop anymore?

Anyways, as soon as I got there I made a beeline to the CDs and records in the hopes of finding worthwhile music. My theory was that the good stuff wouldn't get snapped up as quick.

The verdict: meh?

There were some good records, but nothing that I really loved. Also in the records though...
A record titled Lynchburg Baptist College Chorale. It's covered in some very modest 70s people.How fashionable! It still has the wrapping on, can you believe nobody wanted this? (/s)
A record titled Aerobic Celebration: Aerobic Exercise to Contemporary Christian Music. On the cover is a lady from the late-70s or early-80s stretching in a red tracksuit.
This feels like an Obvious Plant product but it isn't...

So I didn't pick any music up. I also looked at the other home goods, and there were tons of Spirit Halloween surplus. They were selling a zombie fog machine for pretty damn cheap, but I'm not in the market for fake undead right this sec. There was also a little tardigrade plushie which was miserably staring at me the entire time.
I'm sorry, little guy... :,(

There was some interesting clothing, too. There was a green... kirtle? Like an overdress? There was a purse bedazzled with the Norwegian flag, of all things. There was also a beautifully tacky belt with a massive buckle made with some sort of leather with the hair still on it. Fun! I also saw some swim trunks covered in stylized tigers, and I totally would have got them if they were in my size.

Here's what I did end up getting:

I've been in the market for some slightly more goblincore/soft little guy clothing. So, when I saw a green sweater with a tan stripe, I almost got it... until I found another similar sweatshirt that felt sturdier and less scritchy.
A guy with his face drawn over, wearing a dark green sweatshirt and jeans.Fun fact: this is the least censored photo of myself I've ever posted on the open internet. :3

I also picked up a black short sleeve button up with a white grid, because it felt good and I almost exclusively wear short sleeve button ups these days.

A dark green sweatshirt and a black and white button up shirt hanging up from a sign that reads "lost socks"
So here's all what I got! I love the sweatshirt more, but I'll probably end up using the button up more often because I live in a hot place. Oh well, one more neutral button up is one more day I get to go between doing my laundry. Plus slow fashioning is nice when you can :)

Speaking of hot places, be sure to stay cool and cozy! If you haven't drank a liquid today, think about getting on that! Go tell someone you love that you care about them. Etc etc. :D

Song of the day: Med en gong eg når bånn by Kaizers Orchestra

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