Best birthday or worst day?

When the clock strikes 12, I still feel the same

Cinderella doesn’t run, the shoe isn’t lost.

I feel tossed away

It’s kinda funny how a day about you turns into a day about them

Changing tides, lunar fades

Ebbing and flowing, my tears still feel like spiders crawling

They itch and make me wanna bawl

I am an unmoving rock while the water comes and washes over me to retreat once more

How do you tell yourself you deserved to be around this long?

I can’t make heads or tails

Am I happy or sad?

Another year washes away

The wax from the candles swims down the drain

I wish time would stop

Ever present with every tick of the clock

A chiding taunt

Father Time is a high school bully, laughing at me

When did I lose the excitement for another year?

I’ve always hated my birthday

Always bad

Always ruined

It becomes their day 

They take away anything of mine

Everyday is theirs, why can’t I have one?

They strangle my words and make it impossible to get one out

I wish I didn’t have one

I wish I didn’t 

I wish I didn’t

When will I have one day about me? 

Are you supposed to cry on birthdays?

Every year that’s all I do

Forget it, I’ll blow out the candles

I’ll cut the cake

You sing the song and I’ll sit 

I’ll be silent

I’ll be quiet

A petty riot

Harsh words to smashed plates and switchblades

Every year I wish for a change

God is in on the joke

And I never can trade

Flip the coin and heads up

Another year will suck

When will I be out of gods game?

You make it all about you

When every single day is

I fucking hate birthdays, and I fucking hate you.


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