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Category: Life

AITA For not straightening my hair?

I know, silly AITA post on Spacehey, but I wont be making a reddit account I'll forget (╥﹏╥)

for some back story, I (15 M) am trans and Dominican, and decided that in 7th grade, I was going to swear off on doobie-ing or using any type of heat on my hair. Not only because I hated the way I looked while my hair was straightened, but also because I hated having to worry about if my shower would make my hair frizzy and make my parents angry that I had made my hair go back into being its natural, curly, self. 

Here's the scenario. My mom wants to make me and my sister (25 F) go to my aunt's salon and to get our hair doobied. I tried to convince my mom to let me cut my hair into at least something like a butterfly/wolf-cut (w/o the straightening) to where at least, I'd still look slightly feminine (Something I don't mind). Earlier the year, she promised that I could cut it, saying she wouldn't care, but, she said no and that if I wanted to go, I'd have to only cut my ends. I told her no, that i wouldn't want just my ends and that I'd rather stay home. She said nothing and continued speaking with my sister as she was doing her nails.

The situation. My mom told me to come down-stairs, telling me to at least make my sister some company because she didn't want her alone. I did, reluctantly, and sat down. After my sister was done, she asked for help and I was a bit hungry. I took some food out the fridge and she told me "Set your alarm to 9, we're still going to (Aunt's Salon)." I told her I didn't want to go, because I wasn't getting my hair cut, but she said my mom would force me, and that she said I was getting my hair doobied. I admit, I started whining, but I had a reason. I hate when people touch my hair other than me and some selected people, and the fact my mom fried my hair didn't make me enjoy having people touch my hair. I've decided to stay home, or if I was forced to go, to tell my aunt I wasn't going to let her straighten my hair. So am I the asshole?


1 Kudos


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