Spring 2023 Anime

So the Spring Anime season of 2023 came to a close and I gotta said, it was FIRE. A lot of good shows that did meet my expectations.


Hell's Paradise 

Pleasantly surprised with this one. Definitely not for young audiences due to the amount of gore and sexual themes. I did not hate anyone of the main characters of this series, especially my favorite boy of the season, Gabimaru. Looking forward to Season 2.


Skip and Loafer

Another good slice-of-life series. It serves as the light-hearted, happy therapy anime of the season in contrast to the majority of the other series I watched. Basic storyline but has good characters. Love the confidence of the Main character. 


Insomniacs After School

My favorite slice of life this season. For others would have been boring but the relationship between the characters keeps the story going. Hands down, Ganta and Isaki are the ship of the season, their relationship was even better than Witch of Mercury's Miorine and Suletta. Often exploring the issues of people with Insomnia very well.


Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Village Arc

Another hit season from Demon Slayer. Excellent animation and direction. I was a bit concerned with the CGI used in some of the episodes but did not bother me so much. Really good fights as well. I suspect after this one the climax might be coming given the ending of the season.


Oshi no Ko (My star)

My second favorite show of the season and the spring season popular hit newcomer. Fantastic animation and color direction as well as a very well-written story. This includes my favorite girl of the season: Akane, who which probably be one of my new anime female characters (sorry Ruby and Kana). Very informative as well as it gives light on what happens in the entertainment industry in Japan and the weight of fame on idols and actors. Also, Both the Opening and Ending slap hard,  probably the best ones in this season.


My Home Hero

The disappointment of the season. What the fuck, I was looking forward to this one as it intrigued me with the plot. Animation was mid and the story fell off after episode 10. Now, I give you this: the main character and his wife carries the show, especially the wife because she was a real ride-or-die. The ending pissed me off for some reason.


The Dangers in My Heart

So this one was well-liked by many. I did like it, but not to the extent that everyone was made it to be. I like the beginning because it did go with what the title was about, the main character having dangerous thoughts about the girl that he likes. After episode two, it became a romance slice of life. Now, the series is good and the animation was very good, but it was nothing outstanding from the regular teasing and non-verbal boy-to-girl relationship. Still recommend. 


Gundam: Witch from Mercury Season 2

So after that disturbing season 1 ending, I was wondering if shit was going the way Iron Blooded Orphans did. So this Gundam did the impossible and gave us a happy ending (Gundam Series are depressing as fuck). I can say that this series has the best representation of LBGTQ relationships I seen in a series. I truly loved the relationship that Suletta had with Miorine. It wasn't sexual, it wasn't physical; It was emotionally supportive, it was trust, it was understanding of one another and being there for each other. Whoever wrote the story deserves to be praised for this relationship. Also, the best character Development goes to Guel...one of the best male characters of this spring season. I also liked Prospera as a villain, she did not have a prejudicial reason to bring War but was also not innocent of what she did to Suletta.

Also, this one has my favorite ending theme of the season.


and my favorite anime of this season goes to...Heavenly Delusion

Wow, where do I start? This was a fantastic anime. Blew me away from the first episode. Very surprised by how grim, raw, and shameless this series was. The mystery of this anime grew with each episode and I was intrigued. This Anime shows two different perspectives of society, one being confirmed after an apocalyptic event. This is not a light anime to watch, there are way too many sexual themes, gore, and violence. The animation was amazing, choreography as well. The art direction was phenomenal, especially in episode 1 and episode 11. Both characters Mihu and Kiriko were fun as hell. Tokio was great too. The direction in which they handled the story was done so well it did not bother me. 

Now, let me say this: TRIGGER WARNING. There are specific scenes in this anime that some people can't handle, including sexual assault (Episode 11) Suicide, and violence, and they do not make it easy to watch (although I praise the direction in which this was handled). This anime is NOT for younger audiences so please be advised.

Now, I suspect Production IG might make season 2 (given the manga), but I ask one thing:  Do not put in Disney+. Why the fuck do you do that? That's the reason people rarely know about this anime.

Also, this also has my Favorite Opening of the season, reminiscent of Tokyo Ghoul.

So, no dropout anime this season which makes me happy. Looking forward to what Summer brings. 

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n1c0le's profile picture

Bro you should check out Magical Destroyers as well, mad FLCL vibes from that one

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I heard of that one, but could not see it due to the amount of anime I was watching this past season. Will check it out.

by ~Ime~; ; Report


by n1c0le; ; Report