BAD GIRL ONLINE!'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

READ FIRST PLS! about me | byf + dni


about me! 

My name is Josh and I'm 18 years old, currently living in the USA 🦅

I'm actually fine with any pronouns but I just put "he/him" everywhere because I just like the way it looks on my profile. The specific labels I go by are "aromantic queer demiboy" but I just say that I'm queer asf because that's shorter to say.  

my flags lol: aromanticqueerdemiboy

There is a slight possibility that I'm neurodivergent? It's either that or I'm actually fine and just have a lotta shit to sort out in therapy. EDIT: I have clinical depression and OCD 😭


before you follow/friend request 

I seriously write RPF (Real Person Fiction) on both archive of our own (ao3) and wattpad, though I don't write anything that crazy. Why? Cuz it's fun. So keep that in mind before you send a friend request my way/accept my friend request; just block don't report.

If you're like wayyy younger than me and we're friends (13-15), then just comment on my profile/bulletins to interact. But if you're like 16-17 then DM'ing is fine.

do not interact if 

- basic dni criteria 

- if you don't support or tolerate RPF obvs

- if you're a proshipper, especially on the extreme end of proshipping (i know that proshippers and RPF writers are basically cousins because of the profic rhetoric we go by... but some of y'all can actually be insane)

- under 13 (how are you even on this platform if you are?)

john cena

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