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Category: Blogging

hi ( . _ . )


So life updates

I graduated from the 6 week therapy program I was in. It was a big step bcs now I'm not in services bcs my therapist left. I still see my psychiatrist sometimes for meds but not like regularly obv. I js wanted to come on here and rant about some stuff. I'm prob gonna be on here a little more bcs I'm going on vacation and I wanna post ab it :3

I've been analyzing Bojack Horseman if yall would be interested in blogs about that... 

I've honestly just been drawing and listening to a lot of good music 

🎵When I R.I.P by Labrinth ^

 Hmm, what else? My wardrobe totally had a glow up recently. I've been sliding between the scene and emo styles honestly hihi

Idk what else to say :b DM me!! < 33 


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