piercings are my favorite type of body modification, they're just so effortlessly captivating on everyone. treating your face like a pincushion is so attractive and its criminal how stigmatized it is. my admiration for people with overwhelming amounts of metal in their face can't be put into words. don't get me wrong, the subtlety of one or two piercings is just as great, especially on the right people, but i just happen to like a ton as well.
why get one eyebrow done when you can get both? why two lip rings when you can have four? symmetrical piercings are so satisfying, you just can't go wrong with them.
slowly ticking down the days to my 18th birthday when i can start sticking needles through my face and decorating it to how i've wanted for so long. nothings gonna stop me, besides maybe the amount of sea salt solution i'll have to buy
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✰♰ CyberCat...
A mí también me gustan mucho los piercings y todo eso. Ya tengo algunos en las orejas pero quiero también el de la ceja y en los labios...♰✰
mis piercings ideales son los de labio pero imagínate que mi madre nunca me los dejara abrir jj. tambien quisiera uno en cada ceja pero es el mismo cuento lol
by SAV!☆; ; Report
A mi madre tampoco le gustaba mucho los piercings, pero igual me los voy a hacer apenas tenga el dinero...♰✰
by ✰♰ CyberCat...; ; Report
I'm pierced myself and having a Septum is awesome I love the little guy and I never wanna take him out.
An eye brow is 100% a good choice, Maybe get your lobes done too like me some you can wear those awesome earrings
septums rock! im currently at seven piercings (ears only) and i can't wait to get more lol. earrings and jewelry are the best part :)
by SAV!☆; ; Report