plz help..

iz it normal to not remember anything that happened like not being able to remember wut i did all day at all and to forget ur name, age everything else abt u and feel like u arent in ur body and that itz not u idk if any of thiz makez sense itz just so annoying that i constantly feel like a diffrent person and that im not human or my body isnt mine adn that im not real and that one moment im doing somethijng then doing something ekse the next plz help me iz thiz normal why iz thiz happening

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‎‎suu เฌช(เน‘•แด—•เน‘)เฌ“ โ™ก

‎‎suu  เฌช(เน‘•แด—•เน‘)เฌ“ โ™ก's profile picture

That sounds an awful lot like depersonalization, but you should definitely tell someone irl and talk with a professional about it!

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i cant get to a professinal currently or prob for a while bc money and faimly issuez but ill rememebr to talk to family and friendz for it:<

by ๐–˜๐–œ๐–Š๐–Š๐–™๐“†ฉโ™ก๐“†ช๐–ˆ๐–†๐–›๐–Ž๐–™๐–ž; ; Report

Totally understandable I hope you'll be okay <3

by ‎‎suu เฌช(เน‘•แด—•เน‘)เฌ“ โ™ก; ; Report