HIII!! (i write like infomerials XP)
ever see those super cool profiles with all the gifs, and glitter, and other personalized elements and just think " thats like uber cool !" well same dude, same...
if you're like me and not a coding weapon and are struggling to find out how to customize. i got u bro, ill take u under my wing :D.
so this is a blinkie, and theres a ton out there so think of them as vitural badges.
anyways, inserting them is challenging if you're on your own. basically you need two things, the right coding format and the image link.
heres some link to my favorite blog posts for blinkies
and you'll right click the blinkie you want to get its image address. Once thats copied, you'll need the coding format which is...
<img src=”link”> remove the bold link and replace it with the legit link like this...
<img src=”https://external-media.spacehey.net/media/sUFS81B6eovEYxxLliQzZ9qUlUDqXqmZsHShyfuKQ2iY=/https://i1.glitter-graphics.org/pub/507/507361o49yjx0gu6.gif”>
and thats it, you offically have the coding ability... now where to put this code?
anywhere you want ! whereever you can edit the text of on your profile is where you can insert the blinkie. in your "people you wanna meet" or "general intrests" to list examples.
feel free to ask any questions, and i do believe this works on mobile as well !!!
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it still won't work for me and ive tried getting microsoft edge, im using imgur, ive tried variations of the code, and the image still wont load...
thx dude, this is a lifesaver!
thx dude, this is a lifesaver!
Ha2ne Meeku!
Is there like a site where i can find those??
yeah !
i use https://blinkies.neocities.org/ (to create your own)
https://blinkies.neocities.org/geoblinkies (to search them up)
by TwickOrTreat; ; Report
also you can click on the hearts, and they'll take you to blog posts on spacehey !
by TwickOrTreat; ; Report
Oh ok thx!!!
by Ha2ne Meeku!; ; Report