ARHHH! I hate the fact I don’t have a boyfriend!!! Like I’m a VERY physically affectionate and my friends know that and they are okay with my like holding their hands and like playing with their hair and stuff like that but I can’t kiss them! I don’t have someone coming up behind me and Holding my waist and I don’t have someone to do “Cute couple” Stuff with and UGH! It honestly didn’t bother me at first because like I’ve never had a relationship before like I’ve had something almost happened with a boy but we always end up drifting away before anything happen and like UGH I just wish even for a second I could have someone and kiss them and hold them and just be able to call them mine like I just need a boyfriend so bad I’m feeling so touch deprived recently and I went to my Cousins Quince and she was so beautiful and she her crush there and I’m having my Quince in November and like just seeing them dancing together and like do Cute stuff together I WANT THAT! AHHHHHHHH I can’t even begin to explain it how much I just want a boyfriend like please baby let me just call you mine please! I promise I’ll be good😭 I honestly don’t know why I’m writing this This is kinda a rant of sorts but I just needed to say something to someone I’ve just been so bored lately and I’ve been left to just dream and fanatizase and now I just want a boyfriend so bad like I’m really looking for anything so please just like Hit me up I promise I’m nice and I’ll treat you well😭 I know this is weird but I swear I’m normal <3

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