we had exams in the big sports hall for the first time today.

maths and english literature

english literature is what i wanna do in the future, but both the tests went so shit. its not even like i can drop school and become a prozzy cause im too introverted and i cant act sexy for the life of me.

heres some other unlikely avenues:

NUMBER 1- get a time machine to 2003 and become a ghost writer for the mighty boosh

SERIOUSLY, i love this show so fucking much and i think id be AMAZING at writing a few scenes.

NUMBER 2- plant booby traps for the smart kids

BANG! brick drops from the ceiling and bonks them on the head. suddenly my whole school has brain damage INCLUDING the teachers and i become the smartest student and genius overlord of the universe.

NUMBER 3- die


NUMBER 4- actually revise for the final 4 exams i have and try and save the scores before its too late


NUMBER 5- acknowledge the fact that these are just pretend exams and my real ones are a whole year away and i need to chill out

but what else would i think about then? seriously, i get no boys and i have no life, what do i even do if i dont have something to stress about?

0 Kudos


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