atleast on my end my page has a pitch black background and all the pics i put around are now just alt text, when i try to edit my profile it gives me a 502 error. wat do
edit: i just found out changes do save, but my page is still fucked. wat do?
edit2: honestly im too scared to clear all of my cache and lose cookies to websites i posibly dont remember login info for, so i only cleared cached web content and the spacehey cookie, and my page is still fucked. i viewed my page from a different browser (chrome, i use firefox 88.0.1, because i dont like the new ui) and my page is messed up there too, and all of my images are missing their alt text. i also found that in blog posts, the pictures are gone there too. wat do?
fucked up page
2 Kudos
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Clerical Heretic
also, try clearing your browser's cache and restarting it
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i think it's a imgur issue, pretty much all the photos on my profile rely on imgur, and i replaced one to be on imgbox instead, and that helped
by MAXWEL; ; Report
Yeah i second that. I followed, like, 3 tutorials to the letter last night amd nothing worked from imgur. It may not be a supported platform anymore
by Clerical Heretic; ; Report
Yeah i second that. I followed, like, 3 tutorials to the letter last night amd nothing worked from imgur. It may not be a supported platform anymore
by Clerical Heretic; ; Report
Clerical Heretic
Actually, thats gotta be the most authentic early 00's social media page i've ever seen. Accidental kudos??
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