Cleaning can be a struggle for some, personally we struggle with it alot, but we have a method of cleaning that really helps us! It's called Categorized Cleaning.
It sounds difficult and fancy, but it's actually really simple.
{| Categorized Cleaning // Step-By-Step |}
Step 01 : Look/Walk around your room, it'll help to have a Notepad/Notebook or really anything you can write on with you.
Step 02 : While walking/looking around your room make and write down categories of different things that you have to clean. (Examples: Clothing , Trash , Dishes , Books , Art Supplies , Miscellaneous // You can have as many categories that you wish, as long as it works for you!)
Step 03 : Chose one of your categories, only one of them, to start with. (I'd recommend starting with Clothing, if you have it as a category!)
Step 04 : Start cleaning anything in your chosen category, and only your chosen category, nothing else. (For Clothing, you could sort dirty clothes into a pile and clean clothes into another pile. Then put away the clean clothes and put the dirty clothes where you'd normally put them, like the washing room!)
Step 05 : After you finish up cleaning your first category, take a 20-30 minute break. (We've found that it helps to take breaks between to watch an episode of something or to just listen to music.)
Step 06 : Repeat all of these steps but with a different category every time!
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Clerical Heretic
This is literally how I get my cleaning done! Can confirm you're a genius. ^_^
Oh wow, thank you!
by ⌠Pavitr!⌡; ; Report