My review of Evil Dead Rise!

Personally I loved it! The Deadites in this movie had to be some of my favorites, whoever did the makeup, and practical effects did a spectacular job at making these people...well look actually possessed lol. I think it did a very good job at keeping the franchise fresh, despite Ash not being in it, it still managed to work pretty well! The setting was perfect imo, with it being only one apartment, and one hallway basically, it gives the audience the uneasy feeling of hopelessness, and that adds more suspension to how the characters are going to even make it out alive. I also loved how it didn't play it safe with the kills, there were so many times where most of my family looked away from the screen because they couldn't handle what was being shown. The characters although I wished some got expanded upon a bit more, were pretty decent for the movie, the possessed mother was definitely the highlight of the film for me, she had so many great lines that made me laugh, along with sending chills down my spine, the main lead was pretty decent imo, I liked her moments with the kids, they were really sweet and she showed she cared a lot about them, and I thought she was a badass in this film, loved the final showdown, the siblings were great too, I loved how they all showed their love for each other, Bridget got the most laughs out of me, and her actress did a good job, and it was really cool to see a trans actor play Danny, he did a great job, and I loved his sense of style, along with him being a music producer, only regret is I wished these two got further than they managed to, was sad to see them go, and I wanted more of their characters to be expanded a bit, but the terrifying "Family Hug" at the end was a great use of their characters still. Overall 8.5 movie imo!

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