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Category: Blogging

sociAL medIA

as the days pass by, it's seems more and more impossible to actually find a sensible social media platform to interact with random strangers on the new you are most likely never going to interact with in real life.

fuck elon.

discord is full of weirdos and racists for whatever reason.

instagram is backed by a billion dollar company that cannot, for the life of them, make that fucking app work.


tumblr is so eye distracting.

I don't even have a facebook.

spacehey is like irrelevant.

newgrounds is full of nsfw.

youtube is alright but who interacts with eachother like the rest that were mentioned?

real life is cool but a stranger is going to look at you weirdly if you wanna strike a 1 on 1 conversation with them.

it sucks honestly. Contrary to the popular opinion, I actually liked twitter prior to the fat man whose wife divorced them bought it. but my opinion on Twitter has completely changed ever since the first month that fucker bought it. ESPECIALLY WHAT HE DID TWO DAYS AGO. everything sucks now. there needs to be a revolution of social medial. and I want that now!!!!!!!

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i should also mention that spacehey has become a unfiltered cesspit (just like twitter lmao) cuz like every tiem you click the blog tab there's sum stupid shit or whatever

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