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Category: Life

Explaining Endelity

I see a lot of people not understanding Endelity, or not even knowing what it is, especially in the Otherkin and Therian community. I wanted to make a blog post which would explain endelity from an Endel & psychotic view.

If you are not an Endel, not psychotic or no delusional, do not spread misinfo about Endelity. Do your research, or refer a question to an Endel.

What is an Endel?

"A nonhuman or alterhuman self-identifier to describe one's identity being caused by, rooted in, or greatly influenced by [a] delusion."

Is Endel just another term for Delusional Attachments?

Nope. The term Endel should not be related to Delusional Attachments ever. Delusional Attachments is a non medical term, and was coined with absolutely 0 research before hand. Please read here for more information.

I'm not delusional, can I use it?

Again, nope. If your identity was rooted in delusions, which you no longer have, you can use this term. Otherwise, if you are not delusional/your identity isn't delusion based, you should not use this term.

Are all Endel's physically identifying?

Many are, but not all of us. Personally I am.

So, about medical terms...

Delusions are split into two terms, bizarre and non bizarre. Bizarre delusions are beliefs that are otherwise impossible (Being nonhuman, believing you are dead, believing a loved one was replaced). Non bizarre delusions are delusions that are possible (being stalked, being poisoned, someone being in love with you).

Delusional misidentification syndrome is an umbrella term for a group of delusions. This includes Capgras, Fregoli, intermetamorphis, cotards, delusional companion syndrome, and more. Clinical Lycanthropy is also part of Delusion misidentification syndrome.

Delusions can occur in a few different disorders (schizophrenia/schizoaffective/schizotypal, bipolar, delusional disorder) and also under extreme stress or trauma. A person believing something doesn't automatically make it a delusion.

What about "Reality checking"?

Reality checking is the practice of telling someone their delusion isn't real, and attempting to convince them to their reality (or "real life"). This is an EXTREMELY harmful practice. At best, it will do nothing to the person being checked. At worst, it could permanently seal this delusion, doing the exact opposite of your intention.

Do not ever reality check someone, even if they ask for it.

If you do not like someone being delusional, well, get over it. Telling them it isn't real won't do you any good.

That is the end of this blog post! I will try to edit it later to add more references, etc.

This blog was made by an Endel, and is entirely for education. I am happy to answer questions, but I am obviously not going to interact with hate or clowning.

2 Kudos


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