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Category: Music

Dearly Beloved

When I was a baby I couldn't sleep without pans labyrinth lullaby playing

My mom would have her computer open on YouTube all night with it playing on loop, which believe it or not is not very good for the computer

Eventually my mom reached out to a pianist for an extended CD of it so her poor computer could catch a break

I'm not sure why she couldn't just burn a disk of it, maybe her computer couldn't do it at the time

Either way, this guy sent my mom a CD of him playing the same price for at least a few hours

And she knew he didn't just loop it because he had a cat that would meow frequently at random intervals

Unfortunately, like many things from when I was young, it's been destroyed in a wildfire that burned most of our town down (several times...)

If I'm being honest, I'm not quite sure if this CD ever really existed, my mom can be an unreliable narrator and she has admitted to telling me fake stories along with real ones before, but I like the story nonetheless

"Why are you talking about pans labyrinth lullaby when this blog is titled dearly beloved?????" You're probably asking if you know where that names from

Dearly Beloved doesn't just capture my feelings about pans labyrinth lullaby, it's also the piano piece that plays on the opening menu of every kingdom hearts game (to my knowledge)

With every game it's different, although the same at its core, but my favorite has to be the original from 2002, the kh1 version

I don't know what about it specifically, maybe the extra note in between each main note, the little extra high notes, maybe I'm just more nostalgic for kh1 because I never wanted to play kh2 until now (which I still haven't gotten around to but im going to I swear i just wanna beat kh1 first im almost done)

For whatever reason, I've had this hate for KH2 

My main reason was that they changed the magic system in a way that was so different I just couldn't cope

I never could handle little changes well, and I guess this also feeds into my irrational hate of kh2's rendition of dearly beloved

I could never explain why I didn't like kh2's version, I just never did

If this makes any sense, kh1's version goes like da-da da-da da-da da-da and so on while kh2 is just da da da da and i didn't like it

I still don't

I understand that kh2 is that fan favorite, it's the numbered title we've had for the longest time without the next (numbered) release, on top of just being a really good game 

But I still hate how much attention it's rendition is given when the original just sounds so much better to me

Maybe I'm irrational

Maybe I'm complaining about things no one else cares about

Am I stupid for that?


But spacehey is a platform to express your thoughts, isn't it?

This has been my hopefully mostly coherent ramblings about unimportant things no one other then me cares about, thank you for reading

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