Intel Theory (Naruto/Fiction)

Intel Theory

Intel Theory is an axiomatic concept within Naruto that I have created and/or unintentionally stolen. Although a presupposition in my current meta, I have arguments to back this ideology up (see examples).

The concept is meant to explain how fight chirography and planning works from a mechanical standpoint.

The Theory: Characters are constantly moving in ways that prevents others from knowing their move set, intentions, and previous planning.

What this means: Characters purposefully withhold information about themselves. This results in tapered power in fights and prevention of "all out" tactics.


  1. Obito Vs Minato: Obito, in his one on one with Minato, makes the mistake of using both his Kamui powers, prompting Minato to take note and prepare for future Obito attacks. Minato's sealing of himself within Naruto allowed him to warn the main character of Obito. This is in direct response to Obito revealing his full power level and then retreating.
  2. Pain Vs Jiraiya: Pain is well known for purposefully withholding his Rinnegan abilities. His fairly in-depth fight with the Sanin lead to Rinnegan intel being leaked. This eventually led to Pain's downfall and costs Nagato his life. This whole fight is meant to gather intel on a notoriously secretive ninja.
  3. Naruto's Shadow Clones: Naruto, even as a child, constantly pushes mass clones on his enemies. This results in a win rate above 90%+ (losses include Kimimaru, CM2 Sasuke, and pre-6 Tails Pain). Each fight starts off with clones being swept up easily and hastily. As clones dissipate, Naruto creates plans of attack and often uses his main body to land a strike. This method is directly gathering intel and equally directly results in wins in fights.
  4. Itachi's Mangekyo Secrets: Itachi constantly is in the head space similar to Pain in that he refuses to allow others to know what he is capable of. Itachi uses the two moves that he is known for: Genjutsu/Crow Tactics and Tsukuyomi (possibly just considered a generic Genjutsu). Even when analyzed by his (possible) team mate (Jiraiya), Amaterasu is completely new and foreign. Not even Sasuke knew of Amaterasu. Itachi's second secret is his Susanoo equipped with legendary ethereal weapons. His ability to perform this technique is unknown to both Orochimaru and all of the Uchiha. Itachi is able to use the lack of knowledge to surprise people that are genuine threats.
  5. Fight Tapering: Characters often wait to power up until it has been determined that a fight is too difficult. This is seen when: Lee being ridiculed for going all out in base against Sasuke, Orochimaru waiting to use or mention Edo Tensei until he is face to face with Hiruzen, Kisame only ever using his transformation in order to gain advanced upper hands, Kakazu using his transformation only after he is in serious danger, Jiraiya using Sage Mode once he knows death is certain, and Nagato only using 1-2 paths of Pain at a time, etc.

What this really means: Naruto characters purposefully do not fight at full power, resulting in strange feats. Power ups, whether they be chakra modes, scaling up, transformation, or allowance of full chakra reserves, are also withheld or even temporarily removed from move sets in order to appear weaker and allow an upper hand later in the fight or in future, more difficult, fights.

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