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Category: Life


I've been boxing since I was 17 years old. Maybe a little before that, but really taking it more serious at 17...I remember being in my early 20's, maybe 21 or 22 and seeing this 16 year old kid training. He looked sharp, was really fast and I later found out that he's been boxing since he was a child. So at 16 years old he had more boxing experience than me. He had won local tournaments, armature boxing titles, either silver or golden glove championships, so on. It made me realize that there's already people younger than me that are better than me. I never had the mindset that I'm going to be the best at this and this moment only solidified that mindset. My goal was only to be the best that I could be. I would give it 100, 24/7 and see how good I could get.

I never had any amateur or pro fights. I never had that kinda competitive spirit. I did however love sparring in the gym. So I would have these "fights" with the local amateur group and even local pro group. I've had 1 armature boxing coach and two pro boxing coaches, and I got a lot further in my boxing ability than I thought I ever would. I have roughed up local pro boxers, and I've even taught my own boxing class for a few years.

So to me life is just a series of realizations. They can be good, or bad. I realized I would never be the best and that's ok...I also realized that I'm much better than I ever thought I would be.

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