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Category: Music

black metal elistism and being terminally online (personal rant)

People are gonna hate me for this but idc man.

I feel like anyone that actually goes outside and has been in the black metal community long enough will come to realize that (fanbase) elitism is often times just as goofy as posing. 

I get that surface level fans who are only into it for the trend are annoying, but also vehemently defending grown men on the internet because someone else you don't like likes them is... embarassing? Same people who will make complaining about tiktok posers their entire personality will have their music taste be following bands for their obscurity and not their genuine talent or historical value to the scene. 

We get it your white noise raw black metal with 10 views on youtube/generic nsbm project nº2934/GOD AWFUL obscure synth project is soooo cool and totally not like the other black metal girls. Have you ever considered the bands you listen to are obscure because they suck? 

A random 13 year old on your tiktok feed is not gonna be the end of your subgenre! Literally get over it holy shit! They'll forget about this scene in like 3 months. How about you actually support your local scene and buy from your local distros and go to real underground black metal gigs instead of complaining about trivial shit online? 
Black metal "elitists" (often newgens that think they're superior to other newgens) are just as much of a hivemind as tiktok posers. Get a personality i beg you.

You mfs wanna be different so bad that you shit on actually good and historically significant bands just because of their bad fanbases and popularity, any real black metal fan would spit on you.

I don't know where I'm going with this, I kinda just hate the black metal scene as a whole.
Sorry for the disjointed rant i'm sleep deprived and depressed lol

22 Kudos


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NIKITA 's profile picture

I dont see a reason for people to hate on you for that
You're 100% right. Everyone hates elitism. I'd rather be friends with a poser than with one of those beard guys that think they're better than 13 yo girl on tik tok just because they know more underground (shitty) bands. People usually grow out of their poser phases and either end up being actual fans or just stop being interested in the genere, but elitists... oh no no no they're diffrent. They're never gonna change and they'll always going to be annoying gatekeepsers and unfortunately that's just a part of the metal subculture...

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pia's profile picture

you are right but tbh elitism in metal is, at this point, part of the community, specially in black metal xd

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there's a difference between irls who actually contribute to the scene and go outside being elitist and being terminally online complaining about tiktokers, people who will realistically do absolutely nothing to the scene since they don't go outside either

by Moru; ; Report

ig my point with this blog is that a lot of people that try to act elitist have no grounds to do so lol

by Moru; ; Report


Techn0's profile picture

lol. Not only is it silly, but being an elitist for a rock genre in 2023 is a joke. The real elitists are into EDM & view black metal, skramz or any type of hardcore rock genre as inferior. Very inferior. In fact, most of the oldhead metal elitists moved to EDM. These nsbm kids would legit cry & get bullied out if they were to ever post their obscure noise band in their discord groups. They do not know what they're advocating for. Fortunately, being a nonconformist as an adult is exhausting and most of them will grow up. lol

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I've also noticed that trend before.... I wonder why. Altho i like a lot of electronic genres nowadays as well. Gets 500x more confusing than any metal subgenre ever will.

by Moru; ; Report

>black metal
>rock genre

by arcane; ; Report

[ Flo ]

[ Flo ]'s profile picture

I think posers are annoying but the 'elitist' edgelords are even worse. Posers are generally young and trying to find themselves. For them it's just a phase and that's fine. Most elitists shit on the same bands they liked a year ago simply because they don't think they're cool anymore. They'll only listen to well respected or very obscure/underground bands and not what they actually like. They'll create a whole persona and it's stupid

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♱𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓♱

♱𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓♱'s profile picture

Honestly i 100% see your point bro. ppl are called posers for anything and arguing online is fucking stupid.
Also i would love to support my local scene but idk if there is any bm scenes in california and i dont have a drivers license yet LMAO.
But yea dude, just ignore all the "posers" and shit because black metal will probably always stay underground and i HIGHLY doubt that itll be mainstream. Plus, its not bad to go and listen to other different types of music other than bm. Theyre literally vibrations in the air goddamn.

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Well i understand if you don't have a local scene, my comment wasn't literal, mostly just telling people to do something actually productive to the scene instead of complaining about internet drama yk :v
Posers are literally so avoidable like... ppl lose so much of their energy on a non-issue. A poser isn't gonna be at an underground venue listening to real bm, exactly because they're posers, it doesn't matter

by Moru; ; Report

^ well said
And yea its better to pay attention to shit thats important instead of something stupid like posers

by ♱𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓♱; ; Report


shezer_rippingdexd's profile picture


The people being either super pendantic and obsessed with kvlt points and 'danger' put me off slightly more than the people getting into bm and being a bit corny. I mean, the latter group are just having fun. The former group are just wankers. I pretty much just listen to friends' bands and stuff local distros have, as they tend to cover off a wide scope (norse style blasting through to atmoblack to symphonic/gothic black and blackened thrash/death) and it creatively satisfies me.

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Seriously, I'd take a poser any day over someone that acts like this. It's often times fun introducing those people to more obscure bands anyways.. a person doesn't just learn everything about a genre in a single week.
I spend most of my time listening to local (portuguese) bands like a lot of the ones i have listed on my profile ("Irae, Ventr, Morte Incandescente, Vetala, Mons Veneris, Degredo, Trono Além Morte, Insomnia Pálida, Black Howling" and more). There's a lot of raw black legions inspired stuff along with more norse style. It's cool. Love talking to a lot of these artists in person and going to shows, talking to fans and hanging out in the hangout spot at the record store here.

by Moru; ; Report