Bro I'm about to go full brainrot mode cause I'm thinking SO hard about Fatalis right now like???
Mf is literally the end all dragon and he has 2 variants (I wouldn't call them subspecies due to technicalities with the JP text afaik) but like. DUDE. He is literally THE elder dragon.
I know some folk are like "Ew why is Fatalis the typical dragon design in fantasy settings?" but like. I think that's the whole Point.
While every other monster has a unique design to them (with some being uhm. *coughcough* slight copies of another) Fatalis is simply just the typical fantasy dragon with no design uniqueness to him.
I think Capcom did a good job with Fatalis in Iceborne cause he has more variety in his moves/attacks compared to his previous appearances (I've seen clips) and unlike the other big bad monsties in WorldBorne, Fatalis is just a straight up fight.
He's not like Alatreon where you have to elemental check him or you just get OBLITERATED or like Saafi'jiiva where you have to hide behind a rock because there's no way you can tank that fucking nuke of an attack that he drops in the arena.
Not like the fucking Behemoth from the Final Fantasy collab where you have to ALSO hide behind a rock or time a FF emote jump perfectly to NOT get decimated by the ecliptic meteor it fucking drops down and you have to fill in roles as if you were running a dungeon together. (It's at least intended to be that way.)
It's just you and him in Castle Schrade. The very castle he burnt down, the kingdom he felled by himself for no discernible reason*. (*I will elaborate on this cause some fans got some really nice theories that just make him seem more extra and that I personally enjoy as well.)
His moves can Literally 2 hit ko you at BEST if you don't have the skill "Divine Protection" which can reduce damage most of the time if you unlock it's potential and max it out.
I have literally seen Fatty (also known as Gecko to some, cause typical lizard with wings fantasy design yadda yadda) kill someone from doing his stupid butt slam animation while he moves his tail and that person had a little more than half their health bar still intact.
It is literally one of THE most thrilling fights in the game and it being the final one before you can do whatever other post-game stuff there is is just so, SO good.
The music that plays for most of the fight gives off the feeling that yes, this IS Fatalis. The dragon that wiped out an entire kingdom in ONE night. He is something to be feared, to not be messed with... yet when you pull that dragonator lever and deal around 7k damage to him... it changes. It changes to the soundtrack every hunter fucking LOVES. "Proof of a Hero." The title in itself already indicates that this is it. This is the LAST stretch. THIS is going to be your proof that you ARE a hero, that you saved the world from the evil that is Fatalis. This is the moment where you muster up your remaining strength in this all or nothing fight. This is where you get reenergized and your motivation and determination increase to end this fight as the victor.
It's always said best by the NPC hunter that goes with you, that makes you realize the gravity of the monster you're about to fight: "Alright... time to fight history."
Because Fatalis IS history. He is the elder dragon above ALL elder dragons and the only one above him (the black dragon) is the old/white Fatalis variant.
Beating him NEVER gets old. Because the fight is ALWAYS tough. Even if you get better gear and better decos, better setups etc.
It never gets old to see him fall in the game since you can repeat quests. To see that wonderful "Fatalis Evil Eye" in your reward screen.
*This is where I talk about those fan theories. I'll try to keep it short since I just... kept gushing about how in awe I am of Fatalis and how I think he's SUCH a cool monster.
Anyway, some people like to say that Fatalis burned down Castle Schrade and destroyed the kingdom due to a reason involving them wronging him but others say it's because he's simply pure evil and did it for fun.
Another fun one is that Fatalis sits up/stands on his hind legs as a way to mock the hunters cause he's seen countless hunters before us and, it's said, that he melted them and their armor into his chest; which is why you can get stuck on it when he reaches his third phase and he pounces on you, and you CANNOT get off unless someone flinches him.
While, realistically, I know Fatalis is probably just some dragon doing dragon things and is stupidly op, I think these theories are great and they bring a bit more life into the calamity that is the black dragon.
God. I fucking love this game and I love this series and I'm getting into the older games especially because I never got into them as a child except for Freedom Unite on the PSP and that was during Gen 2 of the series. (We're currently at Gen 5.)
And it's so great to see fans reviving servers from the older games and bringing back, thought to be lost, MH titles that never made it to western audiences.
The love for this series knows no bounds and I'm glad to be apart of it.
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